DA 66 S

State-of-the-art flexible solutions

Everything under control


The DA-66S control combines solid fundamental press brake control functionality with the latest of enhancements increasing productivity. Next to highest accuracies, ease-of-use for the operator it makes today’s press brakes more versatile than ever. Integration of machines in the manufacturing process chain is what it is all about.

Delem und Cybelec Hotline

The control operation, based on state-of-the-art industrial touch screen technology, gives access to the proven renewed Delem user-interface and enables direct navigation between programming and production. Functions are directly located where you need them, offering optimized ergonomics throughout the application.

The DA-66S offers 2D programming that includes automatic bend sequence calculation and collision detection. Full 3D machine set-up with multiple tool stations giving true feedback on the product feasibility and handling.

Highly effective control algorithms optimise the machine cycle and minimise set-up time. Abive the screen a panel is reserved for machine functions and OEM-application switches, integrated in the design and used depending on the required application.





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Werner Schramm
5 5stars

Gute Beratung & zuvorkommender Service!

Gute Beratung & zuvorkommender Service!
Werner Schramm // ASP Automation